Except for apricot, most types of yellow fruits contain less than 400 units. Generally it is suggested for everyone to ingest adequately because it does goods to our health. In other words, vitamin A exists in many plants, such as green vegetables, yellow vegetables and fruit. This amount of this vitamin in animal liver depends largely on the age and the food that particular animal ingests. Spinach, clover, pea, sweet potato, carrot, green pepper and pumpkin are rich in this vitamin. The amount of this vitamin in eggs and milk depends on Vitamin D2 the ingestion of animal itself. The other source is from animals. And it is a common type of vitamin that exists in many kinds of plants. For the same reason, grown-up cattle and sheep have more than younger ones. The first type is provitamin A or all kinds of carotenes. A portion of tomato, pea, celery, lettuce or asparagus can averagely offer near 2000 units. The halibut is old enough that it ingests much more green seaweeds. It can be easily found in animal organs as well. The muscles are not able to keep such vitamin. Every liter of milk contains 500 to 7000 units, with an average of 2000 units. And sword bean, broccoli, carrot, pumpkin, apricot, or yam can provide 5000 units, which are the exact amount for an adult per day.

 From this analysis, we can easily find that animal livers are rich in this vitamin. Other than the livers of polar bears, the liver oil from the 100-year-old python in London Zoo was once considered to be the most precious source. The amount in halibut liver is higher than that in cod liver. This particular type can be digested and used by the human body directly. So are animal kidneys. However, those plants which the colors have faded or are not clean yet lack this vitamin. Barbecue and fried meat do not contain it, either. These include collard, spinach and mangle.

There are generally two kinds of food containing a large amount of vitamin A. It is because that halibut is usually older than cod when it is on the market. According to food analysis, every 100 grams of green vegetables contain about 12000 units of vitamin A.Vitamin A is familiar to everyone. Cod liver oil is the largest source of vitamin A in business

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